What a Summer it has been, with Covid restrictions, Fires all over the state and world, and riots in the streets. Still we want to eat! This farm is about eating the cleanest possible food, from soil that has been cared for and is alive. So we always plant and harvest with that aliveness in mind. I wish that that care could go into government policies and become a nurturing, just and kind world from the Executive, Legislative & Justice departments down. So we start where we can by taking care of our soil and our own inner environment. As we make progress we shine out into the world with our high energy food.
We have had a nice harvest of cucumber, summer squash, and raspberries... NOW, We are picking our French Prune plums, our figs, as well as our watermelon.
It has been so hot for the greens and the lettuces, but we are putting the next crop of those in the ground now. Our peppers are beautiful and going strong. That combination of sweet and spicy is really appealing! Ground Cherries are coming and Tomatillos are continuing. We have mostly finished the grapes, and what a nice experience that was to finally get a portion of the harvest to sell, eat and juice. We spent many hours spraying the grapes with our homemade compost tea, to strengthen it against the powdery mildew, which is air born and often takes our whole crop, because we apply no chemicals.
We have been seeding for fall crops and do have some plants / greens plus fall flowers to sell if you would like to have your own fall / winter garden. They will also be available at Sacramento Natural Foods Coop.
Thank you for sourcing some of your food with us. By way of your membership and your orders we are able to continue to grow this wonderful, open-pollinated, heirloom, organic, biodynamic and native foods. As you go about your world, Think "Immune System, ~ would this food feed or enhance my immune system", as you prepare to eat. ?
All the best to you and yours, and stay safe and healthy.