Products Certified Organic Corn, Soybeans, Triticale, Wheat, Rye, Oats, and Hay. As well as Certified Organic Sweet Corn, Popping Corn, Milling Corn, Pumpkins, and Fresh Produce will all be happening this year as well. Aside from our current list of crops we currently have Pasture raised Pork available, and are taking orders for poultry to be raised this Spring/Summer. Drop us a line for details! Description We're a 200 acre farm that started transitioning to organic production in 2007. Our first certified organic harvest was in 2010. Now in 2014 all our remaining transitional ground will be Certified. We use livestock, biology, compost, and cover crops to build and balance our soils. It is our intention to add pasture to our crop rotation, where we will mob graze beef and raise pastured pork and poultry.
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