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My farm is in the process of becoming a permacultural forest farm. At present, I grow small volumes of black, red and yellow raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, pears, peaches, pawpaws, wild plums and shiitake mushrooms. I have early, mid and late season daffodils forming a partial plant guild in my apple orchard (8 varieties including one heirloom variety). There is a small group of Christmas trees that provide raw materials for making wreaths and swags in season. I have a LARGE supply of woody mulch that can be used as mulch alone or as a component of compost. Through collaboration with the state bee specialist at Kentucky State Univeristy, I have several hives and therefore some honey available. Each year I plan to expand the berry operation. I do not live on the farm, so there are no livestock (other than native residents) as yet. I sell most of my produce privately, through the Good Foods COOP in Lexington, or through the Lexington Farmers' Market.

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