Eden Project Farms is a small, diverse farm providing best quality food products as well as maintaining ecological balance of the land. The main purpose of our farm is to follow principles of a natural, homemade, sustainable, small-scale, diversified, more than organic way of farming. We only feed certified organic products to our animals. We offer variety of different products but our main items are: Farm Fresh Eggs: Our Red Star brown egg layers follow rotation after pastured cows and are fed organic, non-GMO feed that does not contain soy. Hens have daily access to fresh pasture, fresh air and sunshine. Our eggs are sold on first come, first serve basis. Please refer to order form in the Farm Stand menu on the web site or you can always email or call us to order. Honey: We raise Italian honeybees at the farm without using any chemicals. Honey is non-pasteurized and limited in quantity. Meat chickens: available May thru October. Just as our egg layers, these birds follow daily rotation after beef cows, eating greens, bugs and enjoying the outdoors 24/7. Fed with certified organic, no soy broiler feed.
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