In 2013 Blue Mountain Academy restarted its agriculture program with a couple of used greenhouses and a small vegetable garden. Today we offer our students in a wide variety of agricultural experiences including the following: Beekeeping Caring for laying hens Food Preservation Green housing, producing both plants and vegetables Growing Herbs Hay Production Large and small fruit production Large scale grain production Maple Tree Tapping Processing CSA boxes (new this year) Vegetable Gardening Vending at Farmers Markets During the school year, agricultural is an important part of our Vocational Education Program, and during the summer we offer students work opportunities as well. The BMA farm became USDA Certified Organic in 2017 through PCO so we proudly supply our cafeteria and customers with fresh produce and grains that are grown with non-GMO seed and without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Our farm wants to help others buy affordable, organic produce and teach others how to heal from them. We also try to teach our students how to live off the land. We have CSA's available through our Harvie website to help keep the farm running.
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