We are an organic raspberry, vegetable and edible flower farm. To be clear about our organic status, we certified our farm for 11 years before deciding to no longer support the USDA program. We still follow traditional organic growing practices. We are known locally for our raspberries, heirloom tomatoes and fresh tropical ginger. We have pick-your-own raspberries is late August through mid-September. We deliver locally. Our farm is on a quiet road and families with children are welcome on our uncluttered grounds. Our wide grass pathways allow accessibility. Call ahead for pre-picked berries. Directions: We are 16 miles south of Madison, Wisconsin's Beltline Highway via Hwy 14; turn right at Union (at tavern) onto West Union Rd., then left onto Crocker Rd. You won't miss us. In 2014 we finished renovating our raspberry field so we will have more orange and yellow raspberries. In addition to our great tasting raspberries, tomatoes and ginger we also have on hand onions, shallots, beets, carrots, French beans, Itailian flat beans, cooking greens and salad lettuces. We are at the Dane County Farmers Market on Saturday and Madison's East Side Market on Tuesday afternoon. If you are vacationing in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, visit our Cottage Garden location in Houghton, Michigan.
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