Welcome to Our 27th Year! Boulder Belt Eco-Farm, run by Eugene and Lucy Goodman, is a small regenerative, 4 season farm that raises a wide variety of fruits, veggies, herbs, pastured ducks for eggs, and pastured poultry for meat for our farm share members and farmers market. We have two high tunnels and numerous low tunnels that we grow produce year-round in. We are located in Preble County, Ohio, 2 miles north of Eaton on US 127. We are committed to raising the best, regeneratively grown food you can buy and growing local food systems in SW Ohio/EC Indiana. Boulder Belt will be at the Richmond Farmers Market @ Elstro Plaza every Saturday from 8 am to noon We have a few openings for our 2021 Summer share program. We offer shares that are free choice and pre-ordered. We serve Eaton, Oxford, OH, and Richmond, IN. This is our 25th year as a CSA farm!! Boulder Belt produce is available at MOON Co-op in Oxford Please email us to be included on our seasonal foods email list and get updates about getting on our Farm Share Waiting list. We would love to hear from you.
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