Kathy Coleman and Bob Howe purchased this historic farm in Dresden (est. 1763) in 2007. It is named for its founder Edmund Bridge, a housewright who was appointed High Sheriff of Lincoln County (which then comprised most of Maine) by Gov. John Hancock from 1782 to 1812. He and his wife, Phebe Bowman Bridge, raised 9 children on the farm. The farm consists of the main house, two barns, a 'guest' house, a garage, a commercial kitchen, fixed and portable chicken and sheep shelters, pig pen, boat dock and sheds, 3 acres under cultivation, 14 acres of hay fields, and 8 acres of pasture and 2,400 feet of frontage along the Eastern River. We have heritage sheep known as CVM Romeldale, as well as Romney-Merino-Columbia crosses, and a Border Leicester ram. We have LaMancha milking goats. Our grass-fed broilers, turkeys and laying hens, vegetables, herbs, cut flowers and hay are MOFGA-certified organic. We also raise pasture- and organically-fed lamb and pork. Bridge Farm is a member of COOPP (Cooperative Poultry Producers), an agricultural cooperative which operates the only certified organic, state-inspected, processing facility in Maine. For more information on COOPP, see Our eggs, fiber, broilers, lamb, pork, artisan bread and bagels, and other products are sold at the farm, along with pasture-raised beef from nearby Eastern River Cattle Co. Our farm store opened July 25, 2010, Open Farm Day and is open from 7 to 7 daily. Three miniature donkeys help with predator control. An 18th century period garden has been developed by Kathy and other Master Gardeners. Bridge Farm participates in Open Farm Day (4th Sunday in July) and the Maine Fiber Arts Tour (1st weekend in August). We have a few spots left in this year's CSA. Last year we welcomed apprentices Mike Johnson and Erin Anderson, and their 2-year old daughter, Amara. With their help, we expanded our operations in 2010, and will do so again in 2011. We are very fortunate to have them with us. Apprentices Derik Provencher and Abigail Kellogg have also recently join us. Bridge Farm was chosen one of two farms for MOFGA farmers to tour during the 2010 Farmer To Farmer Conference. We welcome questions and comments from anyone in the area or beyond.
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