Jessica and Jim King left suburbia to begin growing their own foods. In doing so, they added a few extra chickens, turkeys, pigs and rows of vegetables in order to share with friends and family. Through word of mouth, they soon knew that they could expect to have a willing community of folks who love knowing that their food was well-cared for and the animals were humanely treated. Our focus has been on raising Heritage Breed pigs, chickens, turkeys and ducks. We sell hatching eggs, baby poultry, registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats and pig shares. Jessica is involved in 4-H with the youngest two kids for Northamton County. Jim, a Marine Corps veteran, works outside the home but spends most spare time helping Jessica to build a good infastructure for the farm. We have partnered with other local businesses using spent brewer's grain, whey and products, and bugs! to all of our animals.
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