Deep Roots Farm, located in the heart of the Willamette Valley between Corvallis and Albany, began in 1998 as a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm, providing over fifty families with a weekly supply of fresh produce during our 22-week season. Deep Roots now supplies produce to customers at three farmers markets each week, as well as many local restaurants and independent retailers. Keeping true to our roots, we have remained focused on local direct marketing and are now surrounded by a supportive community who cares not only about the environment, and how their food is produced, but also about the family who produces it. We are conscientious of the impact both conventional and organic pesticides have on the environment. We strive to create a production system that is less dependent on off-farm inputs and more reliant on natural processes for fertility and pest control. We are proud of our agricultural landscape of wide-open spaces, shrub-land, and small woodlands, which provide essential habitat for a wide variety of creatures, most importantly, our two children. We think we are unique in our community orientation, and our commitment to a family operation that is simultaneously sustainable for the environment, ourselves, and for our employees. We are committed to moving beyond "organic"-and the USDA's prescription of corporate organic practices- to a system that truly undertakes an examination of its consequences. Through scientific data, ecological accounting, community integration, and good ole fashioned common sense, we feel we are legitimately making progress towards production that can truly be sustainable. Thank you for supporting our family farm! The Bolsters : Aaron, Kimberly, Kaia, & Arissa
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