At Beauregards Farm we are committed to purely growing food for our family and yours. Bees, butterflies and all insect beneficials are welcomed to grace any spot on our acreage midst the cosmos, buckwheat and other natural food sources- enhancing our crops while we in turn healthfully encourage the lives of the little workers who help pollinate the crops. We obtain seed from pure safe-seed sources as well as collect from our own crops. I feel I've answered a calling- none of this seems like work, much more like a great privilege to work with the land, to learn all it has to teach and to hopefully pass that benefit on in vibrant vegetables, photographs and the occasional writing of it. We operate a Farmstand on Fridays and Saturdays, May through October. Some day retirement will offer me a full time Farm Job & Farmstand , opened every day- but for now we will be open at scheduled time or by chance. Take care.
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