Elm Fork Ranch, located in northern Denton, County, Texas is comprised of 130 acres of river bottom and grassland. Purchased in 1993, Ken and Jan Dickson have evolved their farming activities concentrating on healthy land and healthy animals. In addition to Elm Fork Ranch, the Dickson's own 256 acres in Jack County, Texas, where cattle can graze on native grasses untouched by conventional ranching methods. The Dickson's keep about 15 head of Limosin/Angus cows, raising about 13-15 calves each year. The herd is "closed" meaining we raise our own replacement cows, and do not buy from unknown sources through the markets. Cattle on Elm fork ranch are provided a stress free life that translates into healthier cattle and beef! We raise our own herbicide-free hay to supplement winter forage. Our cattle are not given any growth hormones or antibiotics. Elm Fork Ranch now has packaged meat available by the pound for individuals who cannot use a whole or a half beef. Call or text to 940-382-9528 or email us for current prices and cut availability!
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