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Our farm nestled in an isolated valley in the mountains of Southern Ecuador. There are no cars coming there and we have two rivers passing along – including one that gives us all our water for the farm -, so all we hear are the sound of nature: the birds, the water, the wind, the rain (during the rainy season)…

We have a very mild climate, with an average of 20°C and sun mostly all year long. Even during the rainy season (from December to April), it rains mostly at night and leaves us sunny days to work outside. And of course our food grows very easily with such a climate!

With Walter and Susan from the United States, José, Carmen and Cristian from Ecuador (and from Palta origins, the local indigenous tribe) and volunteers coming from all over the world, there is always a multicultural atmosphere at the farm.

Everyone brings a little bit of its culture, knowledge and traditions to the place, learning all from each other and sharing on all aspects of life – farming, cooking, personal development, spirituality, etc. –

Our big family lunch is a special moment where we all sit together and share much more than food. Speaking English and/or Spanish is a key to adapt to the place!

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