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We are a family owned farm. The farm has been in the same family for over 100 years. We have enjoyed all of our C.S.A customers over the years and hope to gain more customers. Our farm will offer you a wonderful variety of seasonal produce, fruits and flowers. Our crops in 2020 included a huge variety of produce that utilized over 20 acres of our 35 acre farm land. We are known for our tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, pickles and sweet corn. Our cantaloupe is some of the sweetest around! We grow a large variety of squash and pumpkins for your fall entertainment and produce needs. Special flowers, dill, horseradish, rhubarb and pears are even more examples. We attend the Frankenmuth Farmers Market from May until October . We have a seasonal produce stand right in front of the farm...literally farm to table, fulfill special orders and restaurant needs. We also grow grain on the remainder of our properties. Please contact us directly to join our amazing C.S.A program as you will be very happy with our weekly selections.

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