Available products on the farm at this time include: Grass-fed Heritage Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Duck, Goose, Turkey, Rabbit and Eggs. Find our products also at: NYC Greenmarkets & local restaurants. LET US RAISE YOUR GRASS-FED MEATS FOR YOU ON OUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY-RUN FARM. We are a grass-fed, heritage breed farm in Schoharie County, NY. We raise heritage breed Gloucestshire Old Spot pigs, Belted Galloway Cattle, Kathadin/Dorper lamb, a variety of egg-layers, and broiler chickens. Our animals are raised with respect in their most natural environments. Our cows are rotationally grazed and are grass finished. Our pigs are also pastured and supplemented with locally grown all natural grains from a local farmer. Our chickens roam the entire farm at will, foraging and pecking their way along with the cows and pigs, and supplemented with locally grown all natural grains. All of our animals are provided with clean, adequate housing where they may seek shelter at any time from the elements. They are never caged, and are never given any antibiotics, hormones or anything unnatural. They are happy and care-free, and we firmly believe that by raising them in this stress-free manner the quality and nutritional content of the meat they give back is greatly superior. Our certified on-farm butcher shop allows us to provide you with the best quality, freshest custom cut meats you'll find anywhere. We also offer a full line of homemade gourmet sausages!! Come for a farm tour or a visit anytime!!
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