At All Saints' Ranch, we specialize in service for established, as well as start-up operations. We are experienced in breeding, boarding, and birthing alpacas - in addition to taking care of their day to day needs. If you are in the market for alpacas, or their incredible fiber, we have every color, quality (pet to breeding) and personality available. With over 80 alpacas on site, we surely have just what you're looking for! Finished product (hand and mill spun yarn, hats, scarves, socks, etc.) are also available at the ranch or at the Carriage Shoppe in Elizabeth, CO. We truly strive to maintain a healthy, organic environment that our herd thrives in - this includes top quality feed/hay, modern barn facilities and lots of healthy pasture to graze. Please give us a call if you'd like to schedule a ranch tour, or discuss your crafting/farming needs.
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