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Concerned about where your meat comes from? You came to the right place! My goals for my farm are to raise contented animals to heal the soil and provide nourishing foods to my neighbors. My farm is located near Kent and Auburn, about an hour south of Seattle in beautiful Washington state. I specialize in forage-fed veal, lamb and exploring offering goat also. My animals, including heritage breeds like the rare Guernsey goat and the Katahdin sheep, are raised as pets, with lots of TLC and individual attention. My meat animals are orphans or dairy surplus and fed raw goats milk from my dairy goat herd, alfalfa and pasture. Herbs and essential oils are my first line of defense for treating sick animals, but I judiciously use modern medicine in cases that herbs (or my knowledge of herb use) is inadequate to restore health or reduce life threatening parasite loads. Veal calves are treated like pets and raised outdoors with no chemicals whatsoever on pasture with my herd of dairy goats. The source of the raw goat milk is a herd who once formed the basis of a youth's 4-H project, and spend their days on pasture, and overnight in a safe pen eating the best alfalfa I can supply. My animals are happy, well-adjusted creatures who enjoy occasional visits to fairs and other public events. They are as social with people as your pet dog. It is hard to see them go when I keep them that friendly, but it is only fair that I treat them so well if they are going to be asked to provide food.

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