Dandelion Hollow is a family owned and operated sustainable farm located in the rolling hills of Middle TN. Our focus is on diversity, with an emphasis on heirloom veggies, heritage breed chickens, and foraging native traditional food sources. Dandelion Hollow is in it's start up phase, providing a tiny 6 member CSA for 2015. We'd love to add you to our mailing list that will let you know about weekly availability of fresh produce, artisan baked goods or preserves, comb or jarred honey, and other seasonal specialties. If you want to eat or serve the unique, the unusual, the best possible local produce, give us a holler. We'd love to visit with ya'll about what we can provide for you. Dandelion Hollow grows veg and manages livestock using only sustainable and humane farming methods. No GMO's, no Roundup, no chemical fertilizers. We hope to become Certified Naturally Grown next year, and for this year encourage our customers to ask specific questions about our growing and management practices if they have concerns.
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