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Everything we farm is Soy-free, Non-GMO, and Forage-Fed. Our land is certified organic and we are in the process of making all of the animals on our farm certified organic as well. We are the only certified organic farm in Franklin County! We specialize in heritage breed meat, egg, and fiber animals and also heirloom produce. Currently, we have Premium Heritage Pork available. Our pigs are a rare heritage breed known as American Guinea Hogs. They are silvo-pastured, which means that they forage the forest for the main part of their diet. We supplement this with local non-sprayed barley, organic whole grains, organic approved mineral, and produce from a local food coop. We do not feed our hogs ANY soy. American Guinea Hogs are quite small, their meat is almost as red as grass-fed beef, and is very well marbled. "The best pork I have ever had!" is the most common reaction we get from customers. All of our cured meat is nitrate-free. We are willing to ship or deliver depending on customer's location. Please call or email for a price list.

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