Duchess Farms is a flower and honey farm located in South Brunswick, NJ. We are committed to using organic and sustainable practices in our farming and to increase the opportunity for our community to enjoy the beauty of farm-to-vase fresh cut flowers that have not traveled for days or weeks to retail outlets. We are committed to no-till farming and are integrating this philosophy into our farming practices Since the spring of 2019 Duchess Farms has been offering many varieties of fresh cut flowers through a flower CSA subscription. Honey is also be available to our subscription holders. Subscriptions are limited but additional shares may be available later in the summer. Join our flower CSA and come to the farm weekly to pick up organic fresh flowers. You can also give a season of organically grown fresh cut flowers to a friend or loved one! All purchases are confirmed within 48 hours. If you are giving a CSA share as a gift, we can provide a customized gift card by mail or electronically. Please visit our website to learn more and/or to purchase our CSA subscriptions on-line. Located in South Brunswick, NJ, our season runs from July - October (weather dependent). ?
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