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The chickens have changed our lives. In the time that they have been with us, I have found that they way we live the day to day has changed dramatically. And for the better. Though we are, to some, only a 'hobby farm'- it is far from a hobby to us. It is a new way of life. We want to be able to share that passion with other who are finding the same changes in their own lives; whether they have a farm, or a simply moving to a "Locavore" style of living. We take pride in our land and our work. We have a small flock of 15 hens(including Red Stars, Tetra Tints and a Silver Sebright), a small organic garden, and an herb garden. We are endeavoring to raise our flock as naturally and organically as possible. Our flock is NPIP certified, allowed to free range, and are very much loved. We will be expanding our flock next year to include more heritage breeds. Also on the drawing board for next year are honeybees, more garden space, and expanding the herb garden. We feel it is important to find the balance between the past and the future- that is the present and be able to live in it. However, living as naturally as possible is of the utmost importance to the success of our flock, our family & friends, our future, and ourselves. We are not open to the public, however, if you wish to make a purchase from us, please email us directly. Please join in the ongoing adventures on Facebook as we learn how to 'casually live country'. Thanks for stopping by and spending some time with us.

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