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Our apiary is located just 30 minutes drive south of Minneapolis, in the rolling countryside of Elko New Market. BEES FOR SALE We sell 3# packages available in April. Our 5 frame nucs are available in May/June (choice of Carniolan, Saskatraz or Italian queen). Timing is determined by weather in Minnesota. OUR SERVICES: We offer pollination services. OUR PRODUCTS: We sell a selection of products from the honey and wax harvested each year from our hives: -raw unpasteurized varietal honey -comb honey -bee pollen -100% pure beeswax candles -lip balm -body lotions -foot balm -insect repellent for all the family ** To place your order, please call or email us. We ship to any destination (excluding bees). ** We are members of American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers, Minnesota Honey Producers, Xerces Society and Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild. We are also proud members of MINNESOTA GROWN and TRUE SOURCE HONEY.

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