Our farm has been in the family for over 100 years and Certified Organic since 1973, making it one of the oldest organic farms in Michigan. We grow strawberries and a large variety of vegetables. We are a very small farm, so our strawberries and vegetables are sold only through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program at this time. Our CSA provides members with organic, local, seasonal produce from June to October. We grow over forty varieties of vegetables, so each week you will receive a bag of in season organic vegetables. The amount you receive should be enough to feed a family of four for a week. CSA members are also able to put in early orders for our farm-fresh, organic strawberries. The cost for the CSA is $335.00 (or $190.00 for a half share). To sign up for our CSA, call (616) 677-3181, email, or fill out the sign up sheet on our website!
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