Hello from "Annie's Acres!" My husband and I are farming organically on a twelve-acre parcel in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania. We offer organically grown vegetables and fruits. Also available are fresh brown eggs lovingly laid by our over 400 pastured hens, raw whole milk cheese,along with jarred vegetables and pantry items made with all organic ingredients This is a brand new endeavor for me! I come from a twenty-six year background in the "corporate world" and now couldn't be happier on the farm growing organically and raising chickens, goats, etc. Can you believe I don't even miss going to the office each day? Please take a look at what we have to offer. All of our fruits and vegetables are organically grown, our animals are free-ranging and enjoy all the farm has to offer, naturally. We believe in offering fresh products, direct from our local farm at reasonable prices. Please feel free to contact us via email or phone for our brochure and available items. We hope you'll visit soon! Thanks so much for your support! -Annie
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