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I am a full time beekeeper operating my beehives placed in the wildlife areas near Knox, Indiana. The bees and my farmland are my passion and I am happy to present local wildflower honey and pure natural beeswax candles on this site. The focus of my apiary is to produce wildflower honey. We separate our bees into small yards because there is not enough natural nectar flow during harvesting season for more than a dozen hives in one place. We harvest our spring honey in June/July, which comes from a mix of plants and trees such as Acacia, Apple, Wild berries, Basswood, White clover, Bee Balm-mint. Our summer honey collected in July/August comes from plants such as Sumac, Milkweed, Blue mist, Aster and Golden Rod. Depending on the season we have a variety of different mixes resulting in different colors, smells and tastes of honey. We sell only unprocessed unheated wildflower honey. Our natural beeswax and candles production is a hobby in the winter while the bees are resting.

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