Our priority is to sell real, whole, natural, and nutrient dense foods for health & wellness. We raise pastured poultry with techniques that go above & beyond organic with fodder, food foresting and finishing with raw milk and grains, (no commercial feed loaded with fillers and medications). Happy, healthy livestock = healthy foods that you can feel good about. We have a CSA ordering system so that you can provide chicken & turkey for your family year round or place a single order. (please check dates and availability). We sell pastured eggs for eating or hatching and are proud to raise heritage meat birds who can live full and happy natural lives grazing as they should.(we do not sell Cornish Cross, see my blog for details). We also offer live grass fed goats, pigs, & rabbit as well as classes on how to harvest them yourself, on farm to prevent un-needed stress. All livestock is pastured and naturally fed on grass, offering your family healthier meats with higher omegas & other nutritional values. Please visit us on our website for more detailed information on our practices, sign up for our email for updates and discounts or follow us on Facebook for seasonal availability.
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