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The Central Michigan CSA Farm grows a large variety of naturally grown vegetables, fruits and melons and feeds families across the Central Michigan area through our CSA program. We are currently accepting New Members while spots are available. You can learn more about the varieties we grow below. We also offer Premium shares which include about every fruit that is grown in Michigan. Also learn more about our farm, what we grow, and how we grow. I think you'll love the CSA program we offer, we get a lot of returning members and great feedback every year. Feel free to call me directly with any questions, I'm here to help. We offer an 16-18 week CSA program with a pick up every week. It typically starts in Late May - Early June and goes into October. We grown extra quantities for canning and freezing and offer a discount to members for anything extra they want to purchase. I appreciate you considering the Central Michigan CSA and I would love the opportunity to grow your families food. If you have been looking at CSA programs and want to discuss your questions or concerns, just give me a call. If you like Face Book, just click on the Face Book Icon below and that will take you to our CSA farm page. The CSA Farm We know that "How" we grow is more important than what we grow. I assume you, like most of our members, are considering a CSA share because you want good tasting, chemical free, and responsibly grown food that is safe to eat. People have said they enjoy the variety we offer, they've said they like the challenge of cooking with fresh produce and trying something new. But by and large it's about healthy, wholesome food. We use organic growing methods and currently have 10 acres in certification and the rest in transition. Our growing method consists of raised beds with a bio degradable mulch covering. Under that covering is a drip line for irrigation. We irrigate out of one of our ponds here on the farm. This method conserves water, there is little evaporation and 0% run off. We also don't use herbicides, pesticides or any other non organic chemicals. I'm happy to discuss other details over the phone or in person.

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