This is a family owned business, with its beginnings in 1995. At that time, we set out in search of new property that would support our Arabian horses, as well as offer prime land for growing grapes. Our search landed us in southern El Dorado County, on 85 acres of rolling hills, ponds and fantastic views! The soil on the property is mostly decomposed granite, perfect for growing grapes at an elevation above 2000 feet. We studied the wine industry and found a niche in port wines. Only a handful of wineries specialize in port, and no one in the foothills. Therefore, we chose varieties of Portuguese port and Barberra grapes, initially planting grapes on five acres. Over the next two years we added another seven acres of grapes, and just added twelve more acres in 2004. We have been raising and training Arabian horses for over 20 years. At Ascension Arabians, we have found that spending time with the horses in a beautiful and relaxing environment helps us to relax and to be able to see the beauty in our lives and the world we live in. We are pleased and honored to share this world with you by providing ranch tours and individualized packages that include demonstrations of our horses performing freestyle formations and lessons with a horse in a safe environment. We also have minature sheep that help maintain our pastures and vineyards. We have a wine tasting room with spectacular views of the Sierra Foothills area. Our tasting room carries unique gift items born exclusively from our farm.
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