We are a family owned and operated farm. We have been growing produce for 14 years and have participated in local farmer's markets over the years. We use sustainable gardening methods to insure we are not only providing you with the most naturally grown product, but also by caring and protecting our soil resources that provide us with healthy, nutritious produce full of flavor. We practice crop rotation, cover crops and composting. We started a CSA in 2008. We grow many different varieties of vegetables for a broad arrangement of colors & flavors. We start all of our transplants from seed using our own soil mixture. Our high tunnel and cold frame allow us to extend the season to bring you produce for an extended period of time, earlier and later. We have had great success growing ginger and in our high tunnels. In 2016 we started a new system of aquaponics to grow lettuce. The fish provide the nutrients for the lettuce which is an all natural way of producing lettuce. This system allows us to have a longer growing season not only by having lettuce earlier and later in the season, but also adding July and August when normally it's hard to grow lettuce in the heat.
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