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Farm Fresh CSA is a small farm located in Edgewood, Washington, 30 miles south of Seattle. We grow a variety of fresh vegetables, herbs, flowers, Fish, Chickens, Beef, & Pork available year round. As a family farm, we are committed to growing fresh, safe food and using the most responsible farming practices to enrich our soil, water, air and bodies. All without which we could not do what we love: grow food! We do not believe sustainability is simply a set of practices, so we are constantly learning ways to improve our production of land, plants, and animals. Our farm uses the latest techniques of self sustaining aquaponics and aeroponics, which uses less water, energy, and no harmful chemicals or unnatural fertilizer. We believe fresh food is not only better for us, but tastes better too. As our name suggests, our produce is harvested only when it has been fully ripened with the roots or vine attached allowing the plant to continue to live after it has been harvested. This is the freshest way to provide produce and allows the food's natural colors, flavors, and nutrients to be sealed in for you. Memberships shares are being distributed now!

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