Bramble Creek Farms specializes in chemical-free blackberries, raspberries and a wide variety of heirloom vegetables. This summer (2008) we are opening our first farmgate market, which means all Bramble Creek goodies are conveniently available Fridays and Saturdays right here on the farm! We also continue to sell our products fresh to individual customers, at farmers markets and to area restaurants. Much of our fruits and vegetables find their way into jams, jellies and baked goods. We also use a greenhouse and a "greens"house to extend the growing seasons and provide fresh, local food to area residents year-round. Our 46 acres in southeastern Ohio is also home to two pasture ornaments (others would call them horses), a Saanan goat, a free-range flock of heritage breed hens, an Australian shepherd who is just learning his job and several very able mousers. We offer a special program, Families At the Farm, designed to introduce and interest non-farming families in food and farming. Families at the Farm includes lodging at our 208-year-old Bramble Creek Bed and Breakfast overlooking the Ohio River. We avidly support farm and innkeeping internships and are happy to share our enthusiasm with others in group and individual tours. This year we're taking the plunge into alternative energy seriously. We're in the process of converting a 1970s gasoline-powered tractor to solar power. We'll keep you posted on our progress.
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