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Charles Southard is a second generation farmer of the Southard family. His father purchased the land in several tracts where he started a dairy that is still operated today by Charles brother and his family. He also raised tobacco and in retirement started to raise produce to sell. Charles Southard has continued to raise produce using practices handed down from his father, and up to date practices that enhance the product. We use an integrated insecticide and chemical program that uses limited chemicals and no chemical is used as the product matures. We use organic fertilizer, and some manufactured fertilizer as needed. This Spring we will be opening with a variety of produce, onions, lettuce, cabbage & mushrooms and then on to our mainstays of Summer squash , greenbeans, corn, tomatoes, strawberries, peaches cantaloupes and watermelons. Then in the Fall, pumpkins, pintos, greens, and apples. Late Fall will come pecans and walnuts. Come by and pickup some of the best tasting and freshest vegetables and fruits. See you soon!

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