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The Crabtree family has been farming in Cedar Grove, NC since the early 1900s. During the 1900s, the farm raised tobacco and grain crops along with hogs, chickens, and cattle. Crabtree Farm Goods is owned and operated by Crabtree Farms, Inc. Presently, the farm operates as a beef cattle producer, with the addition to finished beef products. The Crabtree Farm Goods operation is managed by 4th generation beef cattle producer, Victoria Crabtree, to supply consumers with high quality beef raised from the Crabtree farm. The cross-bred Angus, Hereford, Simmental, and Charolais beef cattle have been selectively bred over the years to grow quickly and produce high quality, flavorful beef. The beef grown on our operation comes from the best calves born and raised in the cow-calf herd. When calves are large enough to enter the feeding/finishing phase, they are hand-fed daily in pasture. The diets the calves consume are grass, hay, supplemental grain products, and corn, with the free choice of minerals and salt. Corn is increased as the animal matures to increase marbling and overall meat flavor. Our calves in this program do not receive any added hormones or antibiotic feed additives. We strive to address the animal?s health, well-being, and happiness throughout all the farm stages. We are happy to say we are Beef Quality Assurance certified. We know it is important that each animal receives proper care and that this is reflected in the quality of our products. All of our beef is aged for 10 to 14 days to enhance the meat quality. Once aged, the meat is cut/processed, vacuum packaged, and flash frozen for safe, long term storage. While much emphasis is currently being placed on fresh beef that is never frozen, we know that flash freezing is much safer for the consumer and ensures a long life to our quality products. When kept frozen, these products are known to maintain fresh, quality flavor for 3 to 4 years in frozen storage. We use a USDA inspected local processor in Gibsonville, NC. Many people at some point have had connections with farmers in their family or community. As time progresses, farmer-consumer relationships have begun to grow scarce. Crabtree Farm Goods not only strives to produce high quality beef for the customer, but to also connect the customer with the farmer.

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