Welcome to Appletree Hill Organic Farm in the Berkshires! We are Family-Owned & Operated on about 75+ acres of crop-land and forest near the headwaters of the Kinderhook Creek/River. The Farm has been in our Family since 1917 and our motivation is to keep it intact as an operating farm with crops grown using Organic Practices. It is basically a 2-person operation with additional assistance when practical! We were Certifiied Organic (NOFA MASS) until becoming exempt through the onset of the Federal Standards. As of 7/22/2012 we became Host and Location of the HANCOCK FARMERS MARKET which operates on Sundays from 10 - 4 pm, & Wednesdays from 10 - 2pm in our spacious Farm Stand Yard at 3210 Hancock Rd/Rte 43. There you will find a wide variety of organic and locally grown Produce, Berries, Fruit and Vegetables, "Our-Own" Maple Syrup & Products, Pies and Baked Goods "seasoned" with a variety of Artisans, Crafts, Jewelry & More! Or take a trip down "memory Lane" perusing our Antiques & Collectibles Shop which many profess , "Why, it's like walking through a "Mini" Museum! If you're in the Area ... be sure to stop by and say hello as it's always great to meet new friends!! "Be sure to like us on facebook!"
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