CSA NEWS! Accepting applications for our CSA. Sign up for 2019 farm year. Sign up and pay now to start in Winter season. (Fall shares begin distribution mid-October; Winter generally begins after the holiday season break/Feb.) Please go to our website (see link below) and sign up for the CSA info letter on the CSA page for up to date details and application, share pricing, etc. We broke ground in the fall of 2008 and here we are heading into year 11! Traditional CSA Model - no work required, although volunteering appreciated, work shares avail. Share the risk and the reward with the farmer. This is not a "pre-pay for your food" co-op - it is a small, local farm. Farmer Direct CSA membership is the most direct way to support a local farm in your area. NONE of Eden's food is imported or bought from a wholesaler. Everything is grown using un-conventional, sustainable "non-certified organic", methods and non-gmo. We work hard to work with Nature, not against it, and to restore and leave the soil in better condition than we found it. We use renewable energy, limiting our use of fossil fuels and city water as much as possible. We grow our own for the produce shares. We do work with other local farms that share our sustainable farming philosophies to offer you only the best, local sustainable grown extras including dairy and pastured eggs and meats as well as produce/fruit we don't grow here at Eden's. (Dairy, eggs and meats avail by order through co op. Membership to the co-op is free with your paid Eden's CSA membership) We are a community of families that share in the farm's ups and downs. Through annual membership fees (paid quarterly or monthly after first quarter payment), these commitments make this urban farm possible. Other benefits include discounts to any classes or kids', food prep and gardening classes, discounts on gardening products, access to the farm for your family and year round available you-pick it for current members. Know who grows your food and see where it comes from. Our CSA members and community come first when it comes to the harvest and we share any surplus through our community market, area chefs, & donate to hungry families in our community. We distribute the lion's share of the harvest to our CSA families each week via market style. 6-8 different kinds of produce or herbs are generally offered. (The weather dictates much of a farm's successes or failures and seasonality of varieties.) Pick up at the farm or 2 off-farm locations (Lakewood area and downtown Dallas area), and a very limited home delivery area. One of our goals is to increase our yields to better serve the S/E Dallas county area's food desert through our on-farm market days and eventual market stand and to the local food bank in Balch Springs. A 30x96 high tunnel is our most recent equipment addition that will help us grow under protection from flooding rains. We grow a variety of uncommon, open-pollinated and heirloom fruits and vegetables and we swap recipes for some of the things you may not know how to prepare. Located just 15 minutes from downtown Dallas on the edge of Southeast Dallas County, Eden's Garden CSA Farm - ENTERING OUR 11th YEAR! Get in on the ground floor of this growing farm! We are putting in crops now so let us know you're interested by going to the website and signing up for the info letter today! Go to and sign up to receive info via email. Follow our progress, setbacks and future plans on our blog. (edensfarm on blogspot) Annual commitment to the farm is requested, yet we make the amount payable 4 times a year (quarterly). You will ALWAYS know where your food is coming from. Each year we plan to add more variety, including an edible forest, permaculture plantings of asparagus, artichoke, etc. Granny smith apples, pears, peaches and figs are planted and hope to yield in the next few years. I began as Certified Naturally Grown, following organic and sustainable practices under the watchful eye of fellow farmer/inspectors who helped me as I got started farming. Though I don't keep up with the paperwork and certification process anymore, I still work closely with fellow farmers and mentors as I continue to steward the land using Nature as my guide - not synthetic chemicals - to grow, control pests and bothersome grasses and weeds. I choose not to pay fees and keep mountains of paperwork to be considered "organic" by the USDA. Instead, my members who visit, fellow farmers I work with and my membership in the Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Assoc seems to be enough certification for my customers who have come to know me and my farm's practices over the years. Your annual commitment heavily supports the farm's operation including labor, supplies, equipment, maintenance of equipment, as well as the seeds, fertilizers and other bills associated with the existence of a farm. While we have big hopes for Eden's in the future and are building relationships with our community all of the time, this is not an old, established farm that added CSA to their market mix, etc. We're doing it the other way around, supporting a new, small farm via CSA. One of our goals is to feed our community via CSA, on farm Market Days and self sustainability by teaching folks how to grow, store and prepare food. Classes form throughout the year on gardening, canning, cooking, nutrition, etc. CSA members generally pay only for supplies needed for the class. Several farmers-in-training and work-share members can work alongside the head farmer which will enable us to grow more and expand in the future as well as plant seeds of local farming in other communities in the future. See what others say about Eden's Growing Urban Roots - Acres USA Dec. 2014 Issue (paper issue only) School and Group farm tours available by appt. Please call 214-348-3336 or see our website for info.
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