Autumn Moon Farm is a small acreage "CSA/Farmer's Market" farm owned and operated by my self, Maggie Stone, since 2009 in the Daybreak area of Battle Ground WA. I have lived on this property since 1982, where I helped build my own home. I am growing produce naturally, with no chemicals or pesticides, with organic soil amendments that are naturally balanced for my CSA and farmer's market customer. Some of the organic techniques used are "sheet composting" or "Lasagna gardening," the use beneficial insects and row covers to control crop damage. My motto is "Eat Fresh and Healthy and Support Your Local Community." My goal is to produce the freshest, healthiest, best tasting food that I can, and to make it available to my community at the most reasonable cost while still able to earn a modest living. I wish to make a statement in the world to be a responsible steward of the land and help make this a better place. I will be growing many of the basic vegetables, but will also try some new and unusual varieties. For each vegetable family I grow there will be several varieties of type, color and size. Many of the plants will be organic and heirloom varieties which are known for their excellent taste and vibrant and unusual colors. Please let me know any foods you like that I am not growing and I will give it a try.
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