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Amazing Creation Ranch offers totally grass fed beef, pastured meat chickens, and pastured turkeys. It is our priority to be good stewards of the land and animals God has entrusted to us. We focus on keeping our animals on fresh nutrient rich pasture as much as weather and seasons allow. All our animals are rotated/moved to fresh pasture daily to insure the best feed and clean environment possible. Beef cows are never fed grain and only quality hay during winter months or dry seasons. Poultry get an organic grain ration that is free of GMO's and chemicals. Our Beeves are processed in late October right after the prime growing season by a local USDA certified organic processor. We sell beef by the whole, half, or mixed quarter. Chickens are raised from May to October and are processed on our farm. Turkeys are harvested in late October at the end of their prime growing season. It is always good to order early in the season so we have a better chance of having enough to fill your order at harvest time. We make it a priority to know our customers and for our customers to know us as we are not certified organic we go above and beyond organic standards to produce safe, sustainable, and nutrient rich food that is abundant in flavor. We like to be customer inspected so we encourage our patrons to visit us and see exactly what we are doing and ask any questions. You can purchase items here at the farm or we do deliver to certain drop points in PA.

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