Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, Va, was not only the first Virginia farm to be certified both Organic and Humane, but also the first farm in the nation to generate certified humane® veal calves. We raise heritage breed livestock and poultry and are deeply committed to maintaining the health and well being of the land and animals (and humans). All crops and livestock contribute to the overall vitality of the farm by means of sustainable farming methods, including rotational grazing, extensive composting, and humane husbandry practices. At Ayrshire Farm, we are conscious of our food miles and strive to perpetuate our local food chain by supplying our restaurant, The Hunter's Head Tavern, Upperville, Va, and our retail shop, Home Farm Store, Middleburg, Va, with every type of food product that our farm and other local farms are able to produce. Visit our website for more information about heritage breeds, organic farming, and to view our schedule of events.
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