We are a small farm located north of Archbold, Ohio and we are just getting started with the aspect of selling goods to other people. We decided that we were not ready to do a CSA, but wanted to offer extra produce, eggs, and meat that we produce to people in our area. Our farm is focusing on heritage species of livestock for most of what we do. Our egg laying birds are Buckeyes, Delawares, and Americaunas that provide us with great brown and blue/green eggs. We are adding to the flock this year and getting Blue Andalusians, Salmon Faverolles, and Welsummers; this birds will add white, off white, and dark brown eggs to the mix. We are expanding into some new livestock this season as well, including some Naragansett turkeys and two Nubian Goats. We are going to try our hand at making goat milk cheese and soap, and raising the turkeys for meat this fall. We are also raising standard broilers for our meat chickens. We are open to suggestions about what we should raise, so if you are local and would like something specific that you are willing to commit to we will try to accommodate your wants.
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