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I am a full-time dairy goat. herb farmer and creator and purveyor of quality natural health and beauty products. I am committed to caring for our Mother the Earth, and conduct my farm with a serious commitment to its stewardship. This is the same way I make my products. I try to grow all that I use in my products, but when I can't I always strive to find good quality, organic products. There are somethings that still can't be found organically, but I do my best. My products contain no chemicals, even the preservative is plant based, as such most should be kept in the refrigerator for the longest life. I started down this road in response to a friends pain from breast cancer and it continues to wind me toward ever expanding vistas. If there is something that you are looking for in particular and don't find it addressed in my products, drop me a line, we may be able to help you out...that's how most of my products came into existence. I thank you, my goats thank you, and your skin will thank you! Know, that your choices here, help us all today and in the future.

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