If you have children, you may have asked yourself, or them, if they were raised in a barn! Well, we have 6 kiddos, and the name BarnRaised was perfect for our little homestead. We are a small, family owned homestead that raises chickens, pigs, and rabbits. We also have a family cow, and other pets on the farm. We love to garden, and grow a variety of kid and adult friendly produce. It is important to us, that children know where real food comes from. We want to share our great venture with others. Other families, other parents and other people. This year we are offering 10 shares of our CSA, as this small scale will fit into our busy lives. Our CSA dates run June through October, for about 20 weeks. A full share of our CSA will offer a bushel of fresh veggies, and a dozen brown eggs weekly. Pick up will be on Thursdays, but we are an easy going family, and will accommodate other families trying to raise their children to love quality food. We plan to grow greens such as lettuce, mustard, collards, kale, sorrel, and swiss chard. We also grow radishes, okra, beets, cucumbers, green beans, wax beans, purple beans, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, squash, tomatoes, kohlrabi, peas, eggplant, peppers, melons, carrots, flowers and herbs. All of the garden plants are also started from NON GMO seed, majority of them being heirlooms. We ask that every CSA share (member) spend at least 10 hours on our homestead helping to seed, weed and care for the garden. We are accommodating with dates, and can work out a schedule that works for all. If you are not interested in providing help, please add $100 to your CSA cost.
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