Our farm is located about 4 miles south of Ashland on highway 112. We have beef, hogs, goats, chickens, honeybees, vegetable gardens, fruit trees and berries. I also sell handmade soap. We also have a stand at the Ashland Area Farmer's Market and this will be our 5th year there. My husband has had his beef farm for 20 years and we started Bear Trap Creek Farms 9 years ago by adding everything else. Our homestead hooks up to his parents place which we also farm. All of our animals are pastured and are free to come and go as they wish. They have a building which they go into during bad weather and at night. We currently sell farm fresh eggs, beef fed grass/hay/non GMO corn(ground beef, roasts, steaks and beef soup bones). We have a fridge/freezer on our deck so customers can come at their convenience, I put orders together via Facebook messages, phone/text and you can either pick it up or we deliver it to you in the surrounding Ashland Area.
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