Bagaduce Farm is a FARM. And our customers are our PATRONS. We depend on them for their support; a partnership raising the quality bar of our local food system. We are NOT a "producer" or a "vendor;" we do NOT sell to "consumers," lemmings running blindly off the cliff. For our Patrons we breed and raise old-fashioned, Organic pigs in woods and pasture, to create nutritionally-dense local pork of world-class quality. From the ample supply of amazing fats that develop with each of these pigs we render the purest extra-virgin leaf and cooking lards available anywhere. Here on the farm we use this amazing fat to create handmade Criminal (brand) goatmilk & lard soaps, and our signature Criminal Caramels for the pure enjoyment of our Patrons. A pair of African geese and a small flock of Welsh Harlequin ducks seasonally provide free-range Organic goose and duck eggs to our Blue Hill peninsula patrons. Bagaduce Farm is a member of: Halcyon Grange #345, Farmer to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, Food for Maine's Future, and Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. We are Organically Certified through MOFGA Certification Services.
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