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We grow heirloom open pollinated tomatoes and lettuce. What does this mean?? This means our vegetables will have flavor:) - as our modern food world has ramped up veggies to ship, and handle well, they have lost flavor and health. the old world heirloom vegetables retain more of their health benefits, and taste so much better. Due to the general sense of stoke around our tomatoes, mixed salad greens, and melons. 2012 we deem the year of the matter! If you are into some real tomatoes with all their scars, wrinkles, deformaties and mouth watering flavours; Salad greens that have unique spice flavor and are clean, clean, clean; and melons, someone say Minnesota midget, and a plethora of different shapes sizes and suppa sweet flava flav, oh then check us out. We use no chem fertilizers or pesticides, we are completely free from all the bad stuff, and full of the good:) but we are not certified organic, sorry its hard to justify the label, when i want to sell to you, and you to know us, and feel our care and compassion for the land, and for our collective We also raise pasutured poultry. Which means our birds are moved to fresh pasture every day. This is very different from the traditional way of raising chickens. It also mimics the rhythms of nature a little closer. It makes they hens healthier, and in turn the eggs. Check it out for yourself, try a store bought organic free range egg, and ours, you will taste the difference. We also offer meat chickens per pre order. For the fall we are planning to convert our hoop house to an aquaponic love nest of year round veggie growth. so if you are a chef in the area, please contact us. We would love to grow year round food for you. whatever you need we can grow it all winter long in our aquaponic green house. its so exciting. I'm smiling big right now just thinking about it:)

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