The goal of Aerie Farm East is to provide you with tender, delicious meats that you know have been raised in a humane, regenerative and holistic manner. Our farm is entirely family owned and managed. We know families today want to know that the food they are buying not only tastes great but is improving the environment and ecosystem in their own back yard. Our farm is dedicated to raising our animals on grass and allowing them to express natural behaviors and have a varied diet of numerous types of grasses and forbes. By intensely managing where they graze and what they graze we can assure for rich flavor as well as optimum health of all our animals we have the privilege to care for. We welcome farm visits to see our critters and experience the day in the life of a grass farmer. Our farm focuses on raising Cheviot sheep which allows us to sell lovely woolen goods made with the many colors of our wool, pelts and hogget/lamb meat sold as halves or wholes. We also raise Berkshire/Guinea Hog heritage pigs on pasture supplemented with goat milk and are thrilled with the rich flavor we get from our pork with the added bonus of a slightly smaller carcass, perfect for small families or individuals. We also run a small herd of Saanen dairy goats whose delicious milk feeds our pigs and supplies us with goat meat as well. Please check out our farm and let us know how our family farm can help feed your family.
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