We are a husband and wife team who started a small hobby farm growing a gourmet garlic variety called Music in the Thumb of Michigan. We grow garlic naturally: in healthy rich soil with clean fresh air, lots of sunshine, plenty of water and lots of love. No sprays or chemicals of any kind. We grow garlic because we enjoy getting our hands dirty in the field, and our crop is 100% hand tended. Naturally grown food tastes better, is healthy for our bodies and healthy for our environment. We are in our 3rd year of operation, starting with a small amount of organic seed purchased from an organic seed supplier in Michigan 3 yrs ago. We produce a small crop but we are expanding our field each year. We will only ever produce a crop we can handle manually, because we believe the best food is grown naturally. We do all of the field work, planting, tending to the crop and harvesting ourselves, by hand. We harvest the same healthy, natural product for our customer, that we serve our family. We love tending to our garlic patch and look forward to growing garlic for many years to come.
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