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At Abundance Acres Farm, our focus is pasture-raising animals for eggs and meats. Fencing more fields for grazing each year means we can regenerate tens of acres of land to lush grazing pastures in a sustainable way. Our own hay is fed alongside locally grown and milled non-GMO, unsprayed grains and feeds whenever possible. Animal waste (manure) fertilizes our pastures, and the cycle continues! In the woods, we started "building" our maple sugar bush (i.e., running permanent sap lines) in 2019 and boil our syrup with an Amish neighbor down the road. The plan is to increase the number of taps each year and eventually build our own on-farm sap house. Honey bees managed by Kutik's Everything Bees thrive on our property because we don't use harmful pesticides or herbicides that kill pollinators. Products for market (may be seasonal) include asparagus rhubarb heirloom potatoes free-range eggs stew hens grass-fed beef pasture-raised chicken pasture-raised duck pasture-raised heritage-breed pork grass-finished rose veal pasture-raised turkey single-origin maple syrup Kutik's raw honey

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