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2013 FoodCyclist Farm Chicken CSA Who chicken? FoodCyclist Farm chicken FoodCyclist Farm is offereing the chance to have a pastured raised chicken once a week for twenty weeks. Brought to you as fresh as can be, to be cooked and fed to your family and friends, or frozen for the winter months when you are missing healthy local food and craving some roast chicken. While this is my first year on this farm, this is not my first year farming. For more about your farm and to get to know your farmer click here. What chicken? 100% all natural. All chicken, no bull! My chickens are raised on pasture eating bugs and grass. They live happy and healthy lives. They are given NO antibiotics and NO growth hormones. They enjoy fresh air, sun shine, and stress free lives. I will pair the chickens with fresh sustainably grown herbs. No chemicals, no pesticides, only rich flavor paired with simple recipe suggestions to transform your chicken into a culinary masterpiece. Where chicken? New Milford, CT FoodCyclist Chickens grow up around New Milford, CT, on Connecticut pasture. My CSA pickup point will be in New Milford or very close by in Sherman, CT. As the farm is getting it�?¢ï¿½?�?s start this year and the chickens are mobile, so am I. There are a lot of things to figure out, but one certainty is the quality of the birds that will be raised in New Milford this year. When the birds get here, you are more than welcome to come and visit them to see for yourself how good their lives are. I will also be posting a lot of pictures as I go so you can follow from home. When chicken? June 7th �?¢ï¿½?�? October 18th The Chicken CSA will last 20 weeks from the summer into fall. A fresh chicken paired with fresh herbs every week. Why chicken? This chicken is better in every way. The industrial factory farm model produces chickens that are inferior in quality in many ways. What they are lacking in flavor, they make up in antibiotics, hormones, and all kinds of unnatural stuff. FoodCyclist chickens are never fed any hormones, never fed any antibiotics, and never given any animal by-products. Instead they are given sunshine, clean water, bugs, grass, and local grains. An independent study funded by the USDA Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education (SARE) Program found that compared to conventionally raised chickens, pasture raised chickens had 21% less total fat, 30% less saturated fat, and 28% fewer calories. The pasture raised chickens had essentially no fat in the breast meat, but had 50% more vitamin A and had significant levels of omega-3s, where conventional chickens had none. My chickens contain omega 3 fatty acids, something you body needs. 30% of their diet comes from the grass they live on, making them a great source for this healthy nutrient. While chickens on pasture eat bugs and grass, they do need grain to supplement their diet. The grain that I buy in comes from the Central Connecticut Farmers Coop. This is the best source of grain that I have found. As my farm grows through the years I have the ability to grow the grains I feed my chickens, something I am working to make happen very soon. By joining this Chicken CSA you are investing locally. I am local, I buy from local businesses, and I support other local farmers. You are also supporting my wife Kate, and our new baby due July 12th, 2013. How much chicken? 20 weeks = $480 Making an investment in your food is making an investment in yourself. After all, you are what you eat. The 20 week chicken CSA will cost $480. That gives you a chicken a week for 20 weeks, and some herbs to compliment the meat. How do I reach that number? Chickens average 4 pounds, $6 per pound, x 20 weeks. Herbs are complimentary as my thank you for joining the CSA. Chickens of my quality and standards fetch $7-8 a pound. Because you have made the investment in me and my family I want you to have a discounted rate. Visit to sign up!

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